Eoin Campbell

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Eoin P. Campbell is an honours law graduate (LL.B) from Queen's University Belfast and is a qualified lawyer. Eoin has moved from practicing law to lecturing. Eoin is currently lecturing in law at two universities in Lyon, France, including a master's degree course in cyberlaw. Eoin provides commentary with a legal perspective on cybersecurity and data privacy. He is an expert on data privacy laws.

Legal Issues Around Paying Ransomware

Ransomware attacks are one of the most serious cybersecurity threats facing businesses 2024. This kind of attack involves a malicious actor encrypting a victim’s data and then making a demand for a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. … Read more

Legal Basis for Monitoring Healthcare Employees

The monitoring of employees has become an indispensable practice for organizations to guarantee security, productivity, and compliance with regulations. Sensitive patient data is handled in the healthcare sector every day, making the stakes even higher. The protection of patient information, … Read more

Liability for Cyber Incidents

The rapid digitisation of every aspect of our lives has led to an ever-increasing risk of cyber incidents for all types of business. Significant financial losses, disruptions to operations, damage to reputation, and legal consequences can all result from such … Read more

The Increasing Complexity of Privacy Laws in the USA

As far back as 2017, it was estimated that the world was producing some 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day. Fueled by the explosion of internet use and the digitisation of all aspects of modern life (think mobile phones, … Read more

Class Action Suits for Cybersecurity Breaches

What is a class action? Since the 1820 case of West v. Randall, the class action lawsuit has been firmlyestablished as a powerful tool in the federal judicial system of the USA. A class actionenables a large group of individuals, … Read more