Cyber Security Threats

Stay informed about the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Explore the latest developments in malware, ransomware, and zero-day vulnerabilities, and learn how to protect your digital assets from these risks.

85 Million Dailymotion Users effected by Cyberattack

LeakedSource has claimed that email addresses, usernames, and passwords have been accessed by the hackers responsible for a recent Dailymotion cyberattack. Dailymotion is one of the biggest internet video sharing platforms and, according to Alexa, … Read more

Children’s Hospital in Kansas City Alerts 5,500 Patients following Potential PHI Breach

It has been confirmed that Kansas City Children’s Mercy Hospital has now began the process of notifying more than 5,500 patients that portions of their electronic protected health information have been exposed online. It was … Read more

Confirmation of Ransomware Attack Women’s Health Centre in Kentucky

A sole-practitioner gynaecologist’s clinic in Ashland, Kentucky has become the most recent healthcare provider to be targeted by ransomware attackers. The Department of Health and Human Services’ was recently informed of the attack by Ashland … Read more

County Sherriff’s Office Confirms Payment of Bitcoin Ransom to Unlock Files

Cybercriminals responsible for a ransomware attack against a Sherriff’s office in Arkansas have received payment of 3 Bitcoin ($2,400) to supply the relevant keys to decrypt files that had been locked by the ransomware. Carrol … Read more

More than 1 Billion Yahoo Accounts Compromised in by 2013 Cyberattack

Yahoo confirmed in September 2016 that it had been the victim of hacking which had compromised approximately half a billion accounts; however, it has now revealed that a Yahoo cyberattack in 2013 was two times … Read more

Verizon Communications Data Leak Resulted in Exposure of 6 Million Accounts

Human error was to blame for a massive Verizon Communications data leak that saw the personal information, account details and PIN numbers of more than 6 million customers exposed on the Internet. The Verizon Communications … Read more

Pornographic Ads Targets Children in AdultSwine Malware Campaign

Over 60 apps have now been deleted from Google Play Store due to the presence of AdultSwine Malware, a form of malware that displays pornographic adverts on users’ devices. Many of the apps that included … Read more

Microsoft Releases Windows XP Updates to Address WannaCry Campaigns

Microsoft has released emergency Windows XP updates to tackle exploitation of the Windows Server Message Block (SMB) vulnerability used to infect computers globally with ransomware on May 12, 2017. The move came as a shock … Read more

New Report Shows Changing Trends in Phishing

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) has recently released a new report showing the changing trends in phishing in 2016. The report provides interesting insights into how cybercriminal activity is changing and the attack methods most … Read more

Only 9% of Companies Have Completed Their General Data Protection Regulation Preparations

A new study conducted by the Ponemon Institute has shown that General Data Protection Regulation preparations have only been made by a small minority of companies, with almost half of surveyed organizations unsure where to … Read more

New Internet Crime Report Issued by FBI – Losses in 2016 Totaled $1.3 Billion

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has issued its annual Internet Crime Report, showing cybercriminals have netted at least $1.3 billion last year. The figures for the report were compiled by the FBI’s Internet Crime … Read more

Massive Global Cyberattack Uses EternalBlue Exploit and Installs Petya Ransomware

A massive global cyberattack is underway involving Petya ransomware. Ukraine has been hit particularly hard although companies all over Europe have reported that systems have been taken out of action and ransoms demanded. Social media … Read more

New Locky Ransomware Campaign Using Fake Invoices

The WannaCry ransomware campaign may have attracted a lot of media attention, but Locky ransomware presents a bigger threat to organizations with a new Locky ransomware campaign now a regular event. The ransomware was initially … Read more

Astrim Exploit Kit Now Delivering Mole Ransomware

The recent ransomware attack on University College London has been discovered to have occurred as a result of an end user visiting a website hosting the Astrim exploit kit. Exploit kits are used to probe … Read more

Retail Industry Data Breaches Most Common with U.S. Companies Heavily Targeted

The healthcare industry has been heavily targeted by cybercriminals, but retail industry data breaches are now the most common according to a recent study by Trustwave. Retail industry data breaches account for 22% of all … Read more

Study Reveals the Cost of a Data Breach

For the first time in the past seven years, the cost of a data breach has fallen, with a 10% reduction in per capita data breach costs across all industry sectors. The global study revealed … Read more

Fileless Malware Phishing Attacks Targeting Restaurants

Hackers have been conducting fileless malware phishing attacks and restaurants are being focused on. Restaurants are being targeted as they tend to have relatively weak cybersecurity defenses and criminals can easily obtain access to the … Read more

Google Phishing Scam Impacts Millions

A Google phishing scam has been discovered infiltrated online accounts over the past couple of days. Emails have been sent in the millions asking individuals to edit Google Docs files. The emails seem to have … Read more

New Locky Variant Jaff Ransomware Discovered

Jaff ransomware, a new Locky-type encryptor, is being shared around by the same group distributed by the individuals responsible for distributing the Dridex banking Trojan and Locky ransomware. This group has also previously used Bart … Read more

Cybercriminals Grab €2 million in Lazio Phishing Scam

A recent Lazio phishing scam result in €2 million being stolen from the Italian Serie A football team. The cybercriminals intercepted the last installment of a transfer of a football player to the bank account … Read more

Fireball Malware: 250 Million+ Infections and Rising

Over the past few days, a new threat called Fireball malware has been spreading rapidly and has allegedly been installed on more than 250 million computer systems. An estimated 20% of corporate networks have been … Read more

Latest Locky Ransomware Attacks Use New Infection Tactic

The most recent Locky campaign uses a different tactic to complete infection. Earlier Locky campaigns have used malicious Word macros connected to spam emails. If the email attachment is clicked on, end users are asked … Read more

EternalRocks Worm Poses Far Greater Threat than WannaCry

The EternalRocks worm is a new threat that comes hot on the heels of WannaCry ransomware. The self-replicating network work uses similar tactics to infect computers and spread to other connected devices; however, in contrast … Read more

New Uiwix Ransomware Variant Targets SMB Flaw

A new Uiwix ransomware variant has been detected using EternalBlue to gain access to vulnerable systems. Businesses that have not yet patched they systems are vulnerable to this new attack. In contrast to the WannaCry … Read more

Edmodo Data Breach: Millions of Account Details Stolen

An Edmodo data breach has been reported that has impacted tens of millions of users of the education platform, including teachers, students and parents. Edmodo is a platform used for K-12 school lesson planning, homework … Read more

Solicitors Regulation Authority Release Warning About Email Scams for Law Firms

The Solicitors Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom has recently released an alert in relation to law firm email scams following a sharp increase in law firm cyberattacks. According to SRA figures, around 500 UK … Read more

Mac Malware Warning Issued: Handbrake for Mac App Infected with RAT

A Mac malware warning has been issued for any individual who recently downloaded Handbrake for Mac. A server was compromised and a remote access Trojan was bundled with the Handbrake Apple Disk Image file. A … Read more

‘Crazy Bad’ Microsoft Malware Protection Engine Bug Patched

A patch has been rushed and released to address a serious Microsoft Malware Protection Engine bug, termed ‘Crazy Bad’ by the researchers who discovered the flaw. If exploited, the vulnerability would allow threat actors to … Read more

NCCIC Issues Multi-Industry Alert on Sophisticated New Malware Threat

A sophisticated new malware threat has been discovered that is being used to target a wide range of industry sectors and infect systems with RAT/malware. The campaign is being used to spread multiple malware variants … Read more

Internet Security and Threat Report Offers Insight into Changing Attack Trends

Sabotage, subversion and ransomware attacks all increased sharply in 2016, with malware-infected emails now at a five-year high according to the latest installment of Symantec’s Internet Security and Threat Report (ISTR). For the 22nd volume … Read more

Software Exploit Attacks Rose by 25% in 2016 with Businesses the Worst Affected

Kaspersky Lab has released new figures showing software exploit attacks increased by almost a quarter in 2016. In total, more than 702 million attempted software exploit attacks were performed; a rise of 24.54% year on … Read more

New Locky Ransomware Attacks Use Techniques Similar to Dridex Malware Campaigns

Locky is back. The latest Locky ransomware attacks leverage an infection technique used in Dridex malware campaigns. It has been all quiet on the western front, with Locky ransomware attacks dropping off to a tiny … Read more

Healthcare Organizations May Suffer HIPAA Fines due to Phishing Attacks

In the United States, the healthcare sector is being focused on, by hackers and scammers, with phishing attacks on healthcare organizations one of the most simple and most experienced methods of gaining access to email … Read more

Intercontinental Hotels Group Data Breach Affected 1,184 Hotels

The Intercontinental Hotels Group data breach previously announced in February as affecting 12 hotels in the chain has proven to have been far more extensive than was first thought. Last week the group announced that … Read more

87% of Companies Have Experienced a Cyberattack in the Past Year

Last week, the Bitglass Threats Below the Surface Report was released. The report highlights the extent to which organizations are being attacked by cybercriminals. Far from cyberattacks being a relatively rare occurrence, they are now … Read more

Continued Use of Unsupported Operating Systems Places Organizations at High Risk of Attack

Do you have any machines running on unsupported operating systems? Is all of your software up to date with all of the latest patches applied? If you are not patching promptly or are still running … Read more

Mac Malware Infections Increased by 700% in 2016

Windows-based systems are far more likely to be infected by viruses and malware; however, Mac users are far from immune to malware infections. A new report from McAfee suggests Mac malware infections increased substantially in … Read more

Philadelphia Ransomware Used in Target Attacks on U.S Healthcare Organizations

A new variant of Stampedo ransomware – called Philadelphia ransomware – is being used in targeted attacks on the healthcare sector in the United States. The ransomware variant is being spread using spear phishing emails. … Read more

Anti-Pornography Legislation in Alabama Proposed

Anti-pornography legislation in Alabama could be introduced from January 1, 2018, following the introduction of a new bill last month. House Bill 428 was introduced by Jack Williams (R-Montgomery) to prevent state residents from using Internet-enabled … Read more

Locky Ransomware Downloaded in Dropbox Phishing Attacks

Dropbox phishing campaigns are relatively typical and often fool employees into revealing their sensitive information or installing malware. Dropbox is widely used for sharing files and employees are used to receiving links advising them that … Read more

Source Code for NukeBot Trojan Published Online

The source code for the NukeBot Trojan has been published online on a source-code management platform. The code for NukeBot – or Nuclear Bot as it is also known –  appears to have been released … Read more

Cerber Ransomware Sending out Blank Slate Spam

The SANS Internet Storm Center has released a statement that says the Blank Slate spam campaign which was first discovered in July last year is now being employed to spread Cerber ransomware, rather than previous … Read more

Safari Scareware Used to Extort Money from Porn Viewers

A flaw in the mobile Safari browser has been exploited by cybercriminals and used to extort money from individuals who have previously used their mobile device to view pornography or other illegal content. The Safari … Read more

1.37 Billion Email Addresses Identified as Largest Spam Operation Exposed

The world’s biggest spam operation has been exposed including a gigantic database of email addresses. Over 1.37 billion email addresses, names, addresses, and IP addresses were included in the database, which was exposed due to … Read more

MajikPOS Malware Used in Targeted Attacks on PoS Systems of U.S. Businesses

A new form of PoS malware – called MajikPOS malware – has recently been discovered by security researchers at Trend Micro. The new malware has been used in targeted attacks on businesses in the United … Read more

PetrWrap Ransomware: An Old Threat Has Been Hijacked by a Rival Gang

There is a new ransomware threat that businesses should be aware of, but PetrWrap ransomware is not exactly anything new. It is actually a form of ransomware that was first discovered in May last year. … Read more

W-2 Form Phishing Scam Targets Schools

A W-2 Form phishing scam that has been widely used to trick businesses out of the tax information of their staff is now being used on educational institutions. School districts should be on high alert … Read more

Final New York Department of Financial Services Cybersecurity Rules Issued

The final New York Department of Financial Services cybersecurity rules have now been issued. Covered entities – banks, Insurance companies, and financial service firms operating in the state of New York must now comply with … Read more

Phishing Emails and Web Attacks Discovered in UConn

Complex phishing emails and elaborate web-based scams are being used to attack students at the University of Connecticut. The range to which students have been focused on with these scams has lead toUConn Chief Information … Read more

University Cyberattack Involved Campus Vending Machines and 5,000 IoT Devices

A recent university cyberattack in the United States resulted in more than 5,000 systems being taken out of action. The university cyberattack only became apparent after the IT department was flooded with complaints from staff … Read more